Preamble the tourist services suggested by the site (the “Site”) are composed and/or sold by the company CONTRASTS, SAS with the capital of 8,200 €, RCS Nice 432,397,792 of which the head office is located at NICE 06000 1 rue de la Buffa, registered with the Register Asset France n° IM 006100052. The professional civil responsibility of CONTRASTS is ensured near company HISCOX contract n°RCP0241001. The financial warranty is provided by the APST 15 avenue Carnot 75017 PARIS. The Particular and General Conditions of Sale and the CGU (conditions of use of the Site) define the conditions of purchase of tourist services by Internet, as well as the access terms and of use of the Site by the Users and Customers. They are made available of the Customer before any commitment of his share and constitute the preliminary information aimed to the R.211-4 article of the Code of Tourism, with the descriptive cards of the Services. The whole of preliminary information can be modified after its publication on the Site, in particular as for the price, the conditions of cancellation, the transport conditions and the course of the stay and accommodation; the customer will be informed before the validation of his purchase on the Site. By validating his contract, the Customer expressly admits having taken knowledge of these Conditions, downloadable or printable thanks to the link below, as well as more specific descriptions of the service chosen on the Site. The defect of acceptance of whole or part of the Conditions and the Charter by the Customer will cause his renunciation of any use or benefit of the Services of the Site. In accordance with the articles L. 211-7 and L. 211-17 of the Code of Tourism, the sale of transport alone is not subjected to the obligations of the aforesaid Code and do not raise of these Conditions. The present Particular Conditions of Sale come into effect as of their publication on the Site.


the Agency or the Site: the agency saleswoman CONTRASTS or the website – Customer or User: any person paying a visit of the Site to carry out an Order of Services there. – Order/reservation: any final purchase of Service carried out by the Customer via the Site. – Service: tourist fixed price describes on the site and provided to the Customer – Description: descriptive card of the characteristics of each Service published on the Site and constituting part of information preliminary communicated to the Customers. – Tourist fixed price: as a preliminary made up service including transport services, accommodation or other services significant, more than 24:00 and suggested at a price very understood, the non-tourist services such as the participation in a race or the entry with a show or any other cultural or sporting event. – Dry transport: transport (air, terrestrial or railway) sold only and not entering within the framework of a tourist fixed price. – Special flight: or flight charter, in opposition to scheduled flight, flight chartered by a tour operator.

  1. Methods of reservation

1.1. Registration According to the provisions of article 1369-8 of the Civil code, the Customer accepts the use of the electronic medium as mode of signature contract of purchase of its services. The Customer places his order online; the order will be final only after cashing of the installment or the payment and acceptance of the General terms and Particular of Sale. 1. the Customer carries out one searches the site, chooses a Service and reaches its description by a click.

  1. the Customer is registered on the Site by informing the necessary information with his identification, his name and first name, birth date, postal addresses and e-mail. The Customer must take care to fill correctly the fields (email address, name/first name) in order to avoid errors within the framework of the sale of the service. He assumes the whole responsibility for possible errors of seizure which would generate a bad execution or an impossibility of execution of the service.
  2. the Customer becomes acquainted with information requested and informs them most exactly possible and under its responsibility.
  3. the Customer checks the summary of his order and displayed total price including all taxes.
  4. the Customer accepts the General terms and Particular Sale by notching the box envisaged for this purpose on the Site and validates his order definitively.
  5. the Customer carries out the payment of his order under the conditions of article 2.2 below.
  6. The Agency addresses to the Customer an e-mail of confirmation of order comprising thecharacteristics of the bought Service andconstituting the sale contract of travel.

1.2. Contained passenger contract the descriptive cards of the travel and stays mention expressly what is understood in the price. The occupants of the same room must obligatorily subscribe the same pension. The contract relates only to the elements of the tourist fixed price chosen by the Customer and does not relate to the registration fee to a sports event or cultural (see will infra article 9) independent of the contract and subscribed by the Customer, within the meaning of the articles L. 211-1 & 2of the Code of Tourism. The agency is a travel agency registered with the Register ASSET France entitled to sell travel and also approved by the organizers of sports events or cultural, of which it is simple agent to market the registration fees to the French public. The Agency could not be declared responsible in the event of bad execution or of inexecution for services bought by the Customer directly on the spot near external people receiving benefits, even if the Agency would have communicated information in connection with these people receiving benefits, whose only conditions of sale will be applicable to the customer.

  1. Price and payment terms

2.1. Price the total price of the Service is that which is related to the confirmation of order sent by the Site. It is expressed in Euros and including all taxes. For the sale of tourist fixed prices to more than 30 days of the departure, an installment of 30{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of the total price will berequired. The balance must be regulated at 30days of the departure at the latest without recall of CONTRASTS. For certain fixed prices, specific payment terms could be indicated on the description and will prevail on the present conditions. For the sales of tourist fixed prices to less than 30 days of thedeparture, the integral regulation will be required at the time of the reservation. The price of the Services does not understand,except particular mention of the contract: -services former to the recording – the pre one sand post routings – the personal expenditure, steam pressing and room-service – tips andvarious gratifications – specific insurances -expenses of sending of the documentation oftravel – the services (excursions, visits, sport)bought on the spot – expenses of excess luggage – the expenditure of telephone -expenses of administrative formalities and medical – special supplements such as Midnight supper or special occasion – the price of the non tourist services such as the right of participation in a sports event (chases,marathon etc) or the access to a cultural event. – unknown additional expenses at the time of the reservation such as, expenses visitor’s taxes of visa or map of tourism, to generally discharge on the spot by the Customer. The prices retained in the passenger contracts were calculated on the basis as of exchange rate, of the air transport charges and the terrestrial services known during the publication on the Site. The prices are indivisible and any renunciation of services included in the contract or any interruption of travel because of the customer (even in the event of hospitalization or of anticipated repatriation), will not be able to cause refunding, except specific insurance subscribed by the Customer. The prices are calculated in a contractual way, of many nights and not of days. They understand, according to the Service provided: air transports, maritime and terrestrial, accommodation, transfers, known taxes the day of the Order, the fee, visits and excursions registered with the program. No dispute concerning the price of the travel could be taken into account with the return of the Customer, who appreciates before his departure if the price is appropriate to him, by accepting the fact at the same time that it is about an all-in price including of the services whose prices cannot be detailed by the organizer. Any modification of price which can arise will be announced before the reservation and confirmed on the invoice and/or confirmation.

2.2. Payment All the ordered services are payable only in Euros.The Customer can choose to pay by means of the following credit cards: – Visa -Eurocard/MasterCard Under the terms of theL.132.2 article of the Monetary and Financial French Code, the commitment to pay given by means of a purchasing card is irrevocable. It can be made opposition to this payment only in the event of loss, flight or fraudulent use of the map and any opposition for another reason or in order to circumvent the absence of right of retraction constitutes a case of fraud with the credit card. The entirety of the amount ofthe installment or the order and the expenses is output on the credit card of the Customer at the time of the confirmation of the reservation.

2.3. Revision of price * Development of theprices the prices being reproduced on the Site

were established according in particular to the following economic conditions:

  1. a) Transport costs, in particular related to the cost of thefuel. International transport is paid in euros near our air people receiving benefits.
  2. b) Taxes related with the air services, such as the unloading, loading, landing fees in the ports and the airports. The airport taxes mentioned on the description of the products is those which are known with the publication date onthe Site. c) Course of the currencies enteringthe composition of the cost prices. This economic situation is retained with the publication date of the programs and descriptions of the sold Services.

* Variation of the prices

In accordance with the article R.211- 8 of the Code of tourism, the Site reserves the right to modify the prices of its services, as well upwards as downwards, within the legal limits envisaged and according to the following methods:

  1. Variation of the course of the currencies. Unless otherwise specified on the sale contract, if the fluctuation of the course of the currencies had suddenly influenced the total price of the travel, this incidence would be completely reflected (as well upwards as downwards). This fluctuation of the currencies is appreciated on the services invoiced incurrencies at the Agency and which can account for, according to the travel, 30 to 70{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of the total price.
  2. b) Variation of the cost of transport, the taxes, the royalties’ expenses in euros near our air people receiving benefits. Any variation will be completely reflected in the selling prices of the travel.
  3. c) Consequences. On the assumption of a selling price increase, information will be transmitted to the Customer by any means making it possible to show reception of it.


CONTRASTS will proceed to the revision of the selling price in the event of increase of the amount of the fixed price of at least 3{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5}. In this case, a calculation will be given to the customer who will have the ability to cancel his contract for substantial modification, as soon as possible according to the notification of the increase and by all means allowing to show reception of it, without expenses nor penalty, under the terms of the article R 211 – 9 of the Code of Tourism. During 30 days which precede the starting date envisaged, the fixed price with the contract can be the object of no increase.


3.Transfer of the contract When the contractrelates to a stay or a circuit, the Customer canyield it to a third. The Customer mustimperatively inform the Agency of the transfer of the contract by any means allowing to show reception, at the latest 7 days of them before the start date of the travel (15 days for acruising), by precisely indicating the name andthe address of the assignee and the participantin the travel, and by justifying that this one meets the same conditions as him to make the stay or the journey. Yielding or the assignee will be jointly responsible for the payment of apossible balance of the price as well as additional expenses caused by this transfer, and will have to discharge the expenses envisaged in article 10.1. below, corresponding to the modification made to the services of tourist fixed prices. On the other hand, the Customer cannot yield its or his contracts of insurance. Moreover, in the event of air transport if the ticket is issued, it will be neither exchangeable, nor refundable, by the airline companies and consequently, the transfer of the passenger contract could be comparable to a cancellation generating the expenses envisaged in the present Particular Conditions of Sale. The right to participation in a sports event or cultural is not concerned with the present clause and can be lost by the Customer according to the Conditions of the organizer.


  1. Minimal number of participants If the passenger contract is concluded under the condition from a minimal number of participants, the Agency can cancel the travel fault if the number is not reached on the condition of warning the Customer at least 21days before the starting date.


  1. Responsibility the Agency will give assistance, but will decline any responsibility and will not be able to financially replace the Customer in the following cases: – Expenses generated for the loss of the tickets by the customer (fresh and penalties of reemission of the tickets and expenses induced in particular in the event of immobilization in the country) – Debtcontracted by the customer near a third (extrain the hotels, etc) – Loss of identification papers or any other document essential to the exit of the visited country and the return in France. – Assumption of responsibility and organization of the return in the event of event of major force occurred in the course of travel.The Customer is informed that theresponsibility for the Agency could not in no case to be committed in the event of inexecution or of bad execution of whole or part of the services envisaged with the passenger contract, which would be ascribable either to the customer, or with the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a foreign third to the service, or with anemergency (war, attack, riot, revolution,nuclear catastrophe, climatic or natural events such as storm, cyclone, earthquake, tsunami,tornado, cloud, wind of sand…) within the meaning of the article L. 211-16 of the Code of Tourism. In the event of application of its full liability for its people receiving benefits within the meaning of the above-mentioned article, the limits of compensation laid down in International conventions will find to apply under the terms of same article. It can arrivefor reasons holding at the period, the frequentation or decisions of hotel on the spot, that equipment is of insufficient number on thespot of stay or that certain activities are suspended.


  1. Air transport According to article R. 211-3 of the Code of tourism, in the event ofsale of tickets air or tickets on a regular line not accompanied by services related to this transport, the Site delivers with the purchaser one or more tickets of passage for the totalityof the travel, emitted by the carrier or under hisresponsibility. The responsibility automatically defined in the L.211-16 article for the Code of tourism does not apply for the operations ofreservation or sale, concluded remotely or not entering a tourist fixed price as defined in the L.211 2 articles of the Code of tourism, relative either to tickets air, or with other ticketsto regular line. Within the framework of thesale of plane tickets alone, CONTRASTS acts as quality of mere intermediary between the carrier and the Customer, like agent of the airline company, in the name of which it sells the ticket and as agent of the Customer who gave the responsibility CONTRASTS to provide him a ticket. The contract of air carriage materialized by the delivery of the plane ticket famous is concluded between the Customer and the airline company, in accordance with the article L.322- 1 of the French Code of the civil aviation. The responsibility for the Salesman to the title of the delivery of dry flights is subjected to the mode of articles 1984 and following of the Civil code relating to the mandate, under the terms of which the responsibility for CONTRASTS could be committed only in the event of fault inits mission of agent. The consequences of the accidents or incidents being able to occur at the time of the execution of air transport are controls by Conventions of Warsaw of the amended October 12th, 1929 and Montreal of May 28th, 1999, whose limitations of responsibilities could benefit the agency, in the event of setting concerned of its responsibility and according to the L.211-16 article for the Code of Tourism. The transport conditions are recalled on the back of tickets or are communicated at the same time as their emission. All the schedules are given as an indication as soon as they are available and can be modified, even after confirmation on the initiative of the airline company. Any place not used with the outward journey or the return will not be able to be the object of a refunding. Taking into account the intensification of the air traffic, events independent of the will of the Agency (air strikes, technical incidents, delays)can take place and are governed in particular by the European Regulation n° 261/2004 of February 11th, 2004 relating to the refusal of loading, cancellations and the important delays of flight, whose limitations can profit with the Site. In addition, a change of airport can occurin any city. A technical or additional stopovercan be envisaged by the airline company without the agency having time to inform the customers of them. The list of the airline companies used in the travel suggested, is communicated in accordance with theprovisions of the R.211-15 articles andfollowing of the Code of Tourism. Aconfirmation of the identity of the airline company will be communicated to the customer at the time of his registration and at the latest 8 days before the departure. Amodification can intervene before the departure and the customer will be informed at the latest during the loading. For the flights charters of which the duration does not exceed two hours, no meal on board will be been useful. On certain flights, the alcoholic beverages are paying. In accordance with the Regulation THIS n°1107/2006, the customer having a handicap or a reduced mobility requiring a special attention, because of its physical status, intellectual or of its age, is held to inform the agency before its reservation of it, and at the latest 48 hours before the time of departure published of the vol. the agency or the airline company can disadvise or refuse with the customer having a handicap or are duced mobility, the reservation of a travel including air transport, since the safety requirements or the configuration of the aircraft make impossible similar transport. The agency or the airline company can also require theaccompaniment of this customer by a personable to provide him an assistance. The Agency cannot be held for person in charge in the event of loss, flight or deterioration of the luggage or personal effects during the travel. In the event of incident, it is recommended to the customers to make note the facts by the proper local authorities (lodge of a complaint). During air transport, the responsibility for the airline companies is limited or excluded in the event of loss, damages or delay of luggage, according to conventions of above mentioned Warsaw and Montreal. Any claim must be immediately deposited with the airport by the customer himself near the services of the carrier and as of observation of the damage. No insurance luggage is included in the prices of the services suggested on the Site Booklet or by the Agency. Specific complementary insurances will be proposed by the agency and are described will infra. IMPORTANT: if the Customer follows a medical care, it is advised to transport it in cabin in a hand luggage (with ordinances) and not to leave it out of compartment. It is also recommended to preserve with oneself in hand luggage any valuable article: camera, video camera, glasses of sight, keys of apartment, car, jewelry, etc. if they are authorized in cabin and within the limit of the weight authorized in cabin by the carrier. In addition to the already prohibited objects, the passengers must respect the restriction measures on the liquids contained in the luggage in cabin founded since November 6th, 2006; during controls of safety, the passengers must separately present a transparent plastic bag closed of aformat of approximately 20cm on 20cmcontaining the bottles and tubes of 100mlmaximum each one).


  1. Accommodation the classification of the hotels by stars or category presented on this Site always results from the decisions of the authorities or the tourist uses, according to local standards which can be different from the French or international standards. The uses of international hotel trade imply that the participants take possession of the room as from 2 p.m. and release it before midday, whatever the time of departure or arrival. The individual rooms often smaller and are less better located in the hotel than the others, even if a supplement is required on this subject. In most hotels, thetriple rooms are double rooms with an extra bed. This formula, which avoids the regulation of a supplement individual room for the third nobody, implies consequently some disadvantages in particular in term of space available in the room. They are misadvised for three adults. In the event of stay in half-board, each night spent on the spot corresponds to a breakfast and a dinner. Thus, in the event of late arrival and of morning departure no meal will be provided the first and the last day. It is the same in the event of stay in complete pension. In case of theft in the hotels, the responsibility for the agency will be limited in accordance with the rules of the Civil code. Ina general way, the hotels have safe (free or paying) that it is recommended to use. The access to the discotheques of hotel establishments is interdict to the people of less than 18 years. Identification papers can be required. The Inclusive formula “All” (allincluded) allows the unbounded consumption of certain alcohols for the major people. The alcohol abuse is dangerous. The agency could not be held responsible for the behaviors or accidents to the customers in a state for intoxication. The activities and leisures suggested by the hotels can present risks for which the agency could not be held responsible in the event of accident. The images suggested on the Site are provided as illustration of the services: the agency does not guarantee that they correspond always exactlyto the services booked by the Customer (category of room, sight etc)


  1. Administrative formalities and medical the Site informs the customers French national, European or amenable to a country of the European Economic Area which they must take their provisions with regard to the regulations of applicable police and health constantly of the travel. The other nationalsmust approach their consular authority, undertheir only responsibility. If the travel concerns minors, it is up to the parents to be put in accordance with the indications which will be given to them. The family record books are not identification papers. Any minor must have his own identification papers with photography. To in no case, the Agency will not be able to replace the individual responsibility of the Customers who must take responsibility fortheir the checking and obtaining all the formalities before the departure (generally valid passport 6 months after the date back from travel, visa, certificate of health, etc) andthroughout all travel, including the achievement of the customs formalities of the country regulating the export of objects. The non-observance of the formalities, the impossibility of a customer of presenting administrative documents in rule, whatever isthe reason involving a delay, the refusal with the loading of the Customer or the prohibition on entry in foreign territory, remain under the responsibility of the Customer who preservesat his load the caused expenses, without the Agency refunding nor does not replace the service.


8.1. Preliminary information on theTravellers – APIS procedure APIS (Advanced Passenger System Information) is a procedure of safety which consists in transmitting to theauthorities of immigration certain countries, atthe time of the departure of the flights, information concerning the passenger. They is the data being reproduced on the passport asof complementary data (addresses destination,number of visa etc) provided by the customers.This information having to be collected before the travel by the airline company, the Agency must thus provide them to the airline company as of confirmation of the reservation of vol. It will thus be requested from each passenger: number of the passport – country of delivery ofthe passport – nationality – name and the first names (such as they are reproduced on the passport).

8.2. Travel to the USA – Program Secure Flight of TSA the American Administration of transport safety (TSA) set up a safety program of the flights. The TSA requires all of the passengers entering in United States to produce following information: ·The entirety of the name such as it appears on the passport of the passenger ·All the first names such as they appear on the passport of the passenger ·The birth date ·The purpose of the kind (Female/Male) This program is to increase the security on the commercial flights. It was set up by the Department of the American Internal security in order to improve the experiment in flight of all the passengers. Important: CONTRASTS collect the information cidessus indicated at the time ofthe reservation, and the Customer does not have any approach to carry out for the program Secure Flight. Its data are transmitted to the airline company.



Since January 12th, 2009, all the travelers wishing to go to the United States or to cross them according to the terms of the program of exemption of screw (Visa Waiver Program –VWP) will have to carry out a request for authorization of Electronic System for TravelAuthorization (ESTA). The ESTA replaces theform paper of the visa which was distributedduring the vol. This Authorization Electronic must be obtained by the Customer, at the latest 72 hours before the departure, by Internet. The travelers not having this authorization will be able to see themselves refusing the access on board or the entry onthe American territory. Since September 8th, 2010, all the requests for authorization ESTA or requests for renewal carried out on this date or after are subjected to expenses of 14.00$, to regulate by credit card or of flow. Existing authorizations ESTA remain valid until their expiration date. Additional information:


8.3. Travels in Australia: The visa eVisitor is anelectronic authorization delivered by the Australian government which addresses to the people who wish to come to Australia with atourist aim or for the business and a stay runsup to 3 months. The request of the visaeVisitor must obligatorily be carried out apart from Australia. It is advised to take the step tothe maximum 2 weeks before the departure. The eVisitor is an electronic visa. No label will be affixed physically on the passport. TheeVisitor is related to the passport used at the time of the request. It is up to the Customer to make sure that this one is valid throughout all stay. In the event of change of passport, it is imperative to inform the services of them of immigration before leaving for Australia, failing this the Customer could be seen refusing theentry on the Australian ground. The request of the eVisitor is carried out online on the site of Australian Immigration (English site)


9.Services independent of the tourist fixed price In its capacity as agency approved by the organizers, CONTRASTS is entitled to sell with the public French the rights of participation in sports events and cultural such as the Marathons, trails etc These rights discharge by the Customer with the fixed price by CONTRASTS and carried separately on the sale contract are not relative to services nor tourist fixed prices within the meaning of the Code of Tourism and more particularly itsarticles L. 211-1, L. 211-2 and L. 211-16.Within the framework of this sale,CONTRASTS acts as quality of simpleprofessional representative by the organizers and could not be declared responsible for any circumstance likely to disturb, modify, defer or cancel the event concerned nor of the financial consequences or indemnitees of these circumstances whatever them  nature. Customer taking part in sports event or cultural the rights were sold to him by CONTRASTS and who would wish to cancel his passenger contract for some reason that itis including the cancellation of the event itself, will be subjected to the conditions ofcancellation described in article 11.1. below. The cancellation of its participation by the customer will not be able to cause refunding ofthe rights, except specific conditions of each organizer announced to the Customer.




10.1. Modification by the customer Any request for modification of the Order must be addressed to the following Agency by e-mail at the address: or by mail at the address following: 1 rue de la Buffa 06000 NICE. CONTRASTS will transmit by e-mail the confirmation of the reception of the request for modification and will recall the scale of modification stipulated to the present article. The Customer will have to then turn over withina time specified the following e-mail: “Irecorded well the amount of the expenses of modification quoted above and I confirm the modification of my service. Name, first name, reference of the file, for agreement” to good confirm its request for modification. Only the sending of this e-mail by the Customer will be worth request for final modification, and the expenses of modification will be retained at the date of reception of this mail only. The services of leisures neither are taken again neither exchanged nor refundable. Are more over never refundable: – Insurances. -Expenses of delivery of the visas, of vaccination, expenses of sending of documents and expenses the pre- one and post acheminement – the fee. A carryforward of date or a change of destination is regarded as a cancellation (cf 11.1.). A name change is not regarded a modification, but as a transfer of contract and thus implies expenses envisaged at the present the article. Any modification of the services by the customer on the spot will not be able to cause refunding (curtailed stay for example), just as any not consumed service. Scale except conditions specific to certain Services: Modification made to the services of tourist fixed prices others that thoseconcerning the dates of stay: At + 30 daysbefore the departure: 50 € of expenses Between 30 and 21 days before the departure:30{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of full amount including all taxes Between20 and 15 days before the departure: 50{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of full amount including all taxes Enter 14 and 8days before the departure: 75{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of full amount including all taxes A less than seven days of the departure: 100{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of full amount including all taxes This scale is also applicable in the event of transfer of the tourist fixed price asenvisaged to article 3 of these Conditions.


10.2. Modification by the Agency If, before the departure, an external event imposing itself on the Agency, within the meaning of the article L.211-13 of the Code of tourism, out the emergency aimed to the article L. 211-16, the constrained one to modify an essential component of the contract concluded with theCustomer, the Site will inform the Customer by any means making it possible to show reception of it, as soon as possible and will formulate proposals (modification of the travelor travel of substitution). If, after the departure, an essential component of the passenger contract cannot be carried out and exceptemergency aimed to the article L. 211-16, the Agency, within the meaning of the article L.211-15 of the Code of Tourism, will propose with its expenses or with refunding of the price difference, the services of replacement or will organize the anticipated return of the Customer.


  1. Cancellations


11.1. Cancellation by the customer to be taken into account, anyrequest for cancellation of registration emanating from the customer must be carried out by registered letter with acknowledgement of delivery and will involve, whatever the travelor the stay, except specific conditions, of theexpenses of cancellation calculated according to the scale hereafter: When the Customer subscribed an insurance cancellation, the Agency recalls that it belongs to him to directly inform the insurer of cancellation or any otherdisaster within the conditions and timesindicated to the contract of insurance.Cancellation also involves the followingexpenses by anybody, except subscribedspecific insurance and conditions ofcancellations specific to certain services: -more than 30 days before the departure: 50 €of fee – Between 30 and 15 days before thedeparture: 50{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of the amount of the travel, -Enter 14 and 8 days before the departure:75{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of the amount of the travel, – With less than 8 days before the departure: 100{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of theamount of the travel. CAUTION: within the framework of a dry flight, the expenses of cancellation are different from those mentioned above, each airline company applying of the different expenses. In the case of a travel «charter”, the totality of the versed sums will be retained whatever the date of cancellation. The tickets “return” not used will not be to in no case refunded. Nonthe presentation of thetraveller at the time of the departure is regarded as a cancellation of transport, whatever the reason of non- presentation (delay, strike, bad weather conditions, accident, etc.). In the event of cancellation of any service, the insurance premium, the expenses of visas if necessary, the fee and the expenses of ticket office are not refundable. CAUTION: certain services such as those soldwith the dates of certain events as the Marathon of New York are subjected toConditions specific of cancellations mentionedon the description made available of the Customer before his purchase.


11.2. Cancellation by the Agency In accordance with article R. 211-10, the agency will inform the Customer by any means making it possible to show reception of it and will refund the paid price without expenses, in addition to the same penalty as that which the Customer should have regulated if it had itself cancelled on this date, except friendlyagreement bearing on a travel of substitutionthe services independent of the passenger contract such as the registration fee to a sports event or cultural remain acquired with theCustomer.


  1. Insurances the Agencycommunicates to the Customer informationconcerning the optional subscription of thespecific insurances cancellation, assistanceand repatriation before the confirmation of thereservation of travel, and will give to thecustomer the booklet relating to the contractsof insurances suggested or will direct ittowards the site of the insurer partner TMSASSISTANCE. The customer will be able to choose not to subscribe any complementary insurance.


  1. Claims When a Customer notes that a service is not provided as not envisaged, in order not to not undergo the disadvantagesof them throughout all its stay, it mustimmediately warn of it the local representative or the guide present in order to regulate the litigation on the spot. The observations on thecourse of the travel must arrive to CONTRASTS in the 30 days following thereturn, by mail recommended with notice offollowing receipt at the address: CONTRASTS– Customer services – 1 rue de la Buffa 06000 NICE, accompanied by the suitable documents in proof. Failing this, the file will not be treated firstly.


  1. Absence of right to retraction Under the terms of the L.121-20-4 article. 2° ofthe Code of consumption, the right ofretractation applicable to the distance selling is not applicable to the contracts having forobject the sale of services of accommodation, transport, restoration and leisures which mustbe provided to a date or according to a given periodicity. CONTRASTS




In accordance with article R.211-12, the following texts are reproduced completely:


Article R211-3

Subject to the exclusions laid down with the third and fourthsubparagraphs of the article L. 211-7, any offerand any sale of services of travel or stayscause the handing-over of suitable documentswhich answer the rules defined by the presentsection. In the event of sale of tickets air or tickets on regular line not accompanied by services related to this transport, the salesman delivers with the purchaser one or more ticketsof passage for the totality of the travel, emittedby the carrier or under his responsibility. In the case of transport with the request, the name and the address of the carrier, for the account of which the tickets are issued, must be mentioned. The unbundling of the variouselements of the same tourist fixed price does not withdraw the salesman from the obligations which are made to him by the regulations of this section.


article the information exchange precontractual or the provision as of contractual conditions is carried out in writing. They can be done by electronic wayunder the conditions of validity and exercise envisaged in articles 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the civil code. Are mentioned the name or the corporate name and the address of the salesman as well as the indication of its registration to the register envisaged with has article L. 141-3 or, if necessary, the name, the address and the indication of the registration of the federation or union mentioned with the second subparagraph of article R. 211-2.


article Prior to the contract signature, the salesman must communicate to the consumer information on the prices, the dates and the other components of the service provides at the time of the travel or the stay such as:

1° the destination, means, characteristics and categories of transport used;

2° mode of accommodation, its situation, its comfort level and its main features, itsapproval and its tourist ranking corresponding to the regulation or of the host country;

3°services of restoration suggested;

4° the description of the route when it is about a circuit;

5° administrative formalities and medical to achieve by the nationals or the nationals of another State member of the European Union or of a State left to the agreement on the European Economic Area in case, in particular, of crossing of the borders like their times of achievement;

6° visits, excursions and other services included in the fixed price or possibly available with the help of an additional charge;

7° minimal or maximumsize of the group allowing the realization of the travel or the stay like, if the realization of the travel or the stay is subordinated to a minimal number of participants, the deadline of consumer information in the event of cancellation of the travel or the stay; this date cannot be fixed at less than twenty and one days before the departure;

8° the amount or percentage of the price to be poured as installment with the contract signature as well as the calendar of payment of the balance;

9°methods of price adjustment as envisaged by the contract pursuant to article R. 211-8;

10°conditions of cancellation of contractual nature;

11° conditions of cancellation defined in articles R. 211 – 9, R. 211-10 and R. 211-11;

12° information concerning the optional subscription of a contract of insurance covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation or of a contract of assistance covering certain particular risks, in particular expenses of repatriation in the event of accident or disease;

13° When the contract comprises services of air transport, information, for each section of flight, envisaged with articles R. 211-15 with R. 211-18. Article R211-5 information preliminary made to the consumer engagesthe salesman, unless in this one the sales man expressly reserved the right to modify certain elements of them. The salesman must, in this case, to indicate this modification clearly up to what point can intervene and on which elements. In any event, the modifications made to preliminary information must be communicated to the consumer before thecontract signature. Article R211-6 the contractconcluded between the salesman and thepurchaser must be written, established indouble specimen of which one is given to the purchaser, and signed by the two parts. When the contract is concluded by electronic way, itis made application of articles 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the civil code. The contract must comprise the following clauses:

1° the name and the address of the salesman, his guarantor and his insurer as well as the name and the address of the organizer;

2° the destination or destinations of the travel and, in the event of split stay, various periods and their dates;

3° means, characteristics and categories of transport used, dates and starting places and of return;

4° mode of accommodation, its situation, its comfort level and its main features and its tourist ranking under the terms of the regulations or of the uses in the host country;

5° services of restoration suggested;

6° the route when it is about a circuit;

7° visits, excursions or other services included in the total price of the travel or the stay;

8° the total price of the services invoiced as well as the indication of anypossible revision of this invoicing under the terms of the provisions of article R. 211-8;

9°the indication, if it is necessary, of the royaltiesor taxes related with certain services such as loading or unloading, landing fees in the ports and airports, visitor’s taxes when they are not included in the price of the service provides;

10° the calendar and modes of payment of the price; the last payment carried out by thepurchaser cannot be lower than 30{78720cfa8188a7a2513b316a46d6e15b9102fd847887545bc7898211da2492e5} of theprice of the travel or the stay and must becarried out during the handing-over of the documents making it possible to carry out the travel or the stay;

11° particular conditions requested by the purchaser and accepted by the salesman;

12° the methods according towhich the purchaser can approach thesalesman concerning a claim for inexecution or bad execution of the contract, claim which must be addressed as soon as possible, by any means allowing to obtain from it anacknowledgement of delivery to the salesman, and, if necessary, announced in writing, to the organizer of the travel and the service providerconcerned;

13° the deadline of information of the purchaser in the event of cancellation ofthe travel or the stay by the salesman if the realization of the travel or the stay is related toa minimal number of participants, in accordance with the provisions of the 7° of article R. 211-4;

14° conditions of cancellation of contractual nature;

15° conditions of cancellation envisaged with articles R. 211 – 9, R. 211-10 and R. 211-11;

16° precise details concerning the covered risks and the amountof the warranties under the contract ofinsurance covering the consequences of the professional civil responsibility of the salesman;

17° indications concerning the contract of insurance covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation subscribed by the purchaser (number of policeand name of the insurer) like those relating tothe contract of assistance covering certain particular risks, in particular the expenses of repatriation in the event of accident or disease; in this case, the salesman must give to the purchaser a document at least specifying the covered risks and the excluded risks;

18° the deadline of information of the salesman in the event of transfer of the contract by the purchaser;

19° commitment to provide the purchaser, at least ten days before the date planned for its departure, following information:

  1. a) the name, the address and the phone number of the local representation of the salesman or, failing this, names, addresses and phone numbers of the local organizations likely to help the consumer in the event of difficulty or, failing this, the call number allowing urgently to establish a contact with the salesman;
  2. b) For the travel and stays of minors abroad, a phone number and an address allowing to establish a direct contact with the child or the person in charge on the spot of his stay;

20° the clause of cancellation and refunding without penalties of the sums paid by the purchaser in the event of non- respect of the obligation of information envisaged with the 13° of article R. 211-4;

21°commitment to provide the purchaser, at the appropriate time before the beginning of thetravel or the stay, the times of departure and arrival.

R211- 7

article the purchaser can yield  his contract to an assignee who meets thesame conditions as him to make the journey or the stay, as long as this contract did not produce any effect. Except stipulation more favorable to yielding, this one is held to inform the salesman of his decision by any means making it possible to obtain an acknowledgement of delivery from it at the latest seven days before the beginning of the travel. When it is about a cruising, this time is increased to fifteen days. This transfer is not subjected, to in no case, with a prior approval of the salesman.


article When the contract comprises a fast possibility of price adjustment, within the limits envisaged with thearticle L. 211 – 12, it must mention the precise methods of calculation, as well upwards as downwards, of the variations of the prices, and in particular the amount of the transport costs and related taxes there, the currencies which can affect the price of the travel or the stay, the share of the price to which applies the variation, the course of the currencies retained like reference during the establishment of the price appearing in the contract.


When, before the departure of the purchaser,the salesman is constrained to make a modification to the one of the essential components of the contract such as asignificant rise of the price and when it ignores the obligation of information mentioned with the 13° of article R. 2114, the purchaser can,without prejudging claim for it   possibly undergone damage, and after ofbeing informed by the salesman by any means allowing to obtain an acknowledgement of delivery from it: – is to terminate its contract and to obtain without penalty the immediaterefunding of the versed sums; – is to accept the modification or the travel of substitution suggested by the salesman; an additional clause to contract specifying the made modifications is then signed by the parts; any reduction in price comes in deduction from the sums remaining possibly had by the purchaser and, if the payment already carried out by this last exceeds the price of the modified service,the over-payment must be to him restored before the date of its departure.

R211-10 article

In the case laid down with the article L.211-14, when, before the departure of the purchaser, the salesman cancels the travel orthe stay, it must inform the purchaser by any means making it possible to obtain anacknowledgement of delivery from it; the purchaser, without prejudging claim for it compensation of the possibly under gone damage, obtains from the salesman immediate refunding and without penalty of the versedsums; the purchaser receives, in this case, an allowance at least equal to the penalty which it would have supported if cancellation had intervened of its fact on this date. The provisions of this article do not make in no case obstacle with the concluding of a friendly agreement having for object acceptance, bythe purchaser, of a travel or stay of substitution suggested by the salesman.

R211-11 article

When, after the departure of the purchaser, the salesman is unable himself to provide adominating share of the services envisaged tothe contract representing a considerablepercentage of the price honored by the purchaser, the salesman must immediately take the following measures without prejudging claim for it compensation for possibly undergone damage: – is to propose services in replacement as of services envisaged by possibly supporting any additional charge and,if the services accepted by the purchaser areof lower quality, the salesman must refund tohim, as of his return, the price difference; – is, ifit cannot propose any service of replacementor if those are refused by the purchaser for valid reasons, to provide the purchaser, without additional charge, of the tickets to ensure its return under conditions which can be considered to be equivalent towards the starting place or another place accepted by thetwo parts. The provisions of this article are applicable in the event of non-observance ofthe obligation envisaged to the 13° of article R.211-4.


Personal data, data protection and conditions of use of the site:


  1. Use of the Site:

The User admits using the services of CONTRASTS for a personal use and non-commercial. The User admits connecting and using the services offered to his only risks. The responsibility for CONTRASTS will not be searched concerning the direct or indirect damage (financial losses, of profits, loss on transactions on foreign currency) that the Useror a third could undergo, for some cause that itis because of its connection to the Site, of impossibility of reaching or of connecting themselves to the Site, or of the operation or not of the Site. The damage is in particular aimed at which can be born from inaccurate contents, errors, of slowness or interruption inthe transmission, loss, disappearance ordeterioration of data, virus, whatever is theorigin, of intrusions of third, and more generally of the use of the Site or impossibility of using it. The User is invited to check that any file transmitted or recorded on the Site does not contain any virus and engages its responsibility in the event of infringement. The Site is available on the basis of service “in the state” and is accessible only according to its availability. CONTRASTS is not to in no case responsible if, because as of maintenance actions of the Site or for reasons which are independent for him, the User cannot reach the Site, or if this access is stopped, at somemoment that it is, or if any defect, independentof its will, prevented from carrying out anoperation. CONTRASTS does not guarantee that the Site is free from computer viruses nor other anomalies independent of its will.

  1. User profile

During the reservation, CONTRASTS collect personal information on the Customers. On this occasion, CONTRASTS give the opportunity of recording a profile in full safety. This opportunity is also given to the other people taking part in the travel. The Customer who uses this option will be more obliged to seize these data nor those of the other travellers to each new reservation. They are primarily the name, the birth date, the address, the desired meals, the data of credit card, the number of frequent passenger andthe preferences. The data indicated in the profile are used to facilitate the treatment ofthe reservation and can also be the subject, in-house, of statistical analyses or studies aimingat improving quality of the offered service. More over fuller information will be provided to the Customer during the recording of the profile. On the assumption that the Customer communicates information concerning of other natural people that itself, it guarantees that it collected their fast agreement as a preliminary.

  1. Personal data the User is only responsible for the communicated data with CONTRASTS and declares that the abundant data at the time of its order are perfectly well informed and exact. In accordance with article 34 of the law of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedom, the User is informed of what the personal information announced as obligatory on the forms and being collected on the Site is necessary for the use of this one. This information is intended exclusively for CONTRASTS and to its contractual partners for the needs for the execution of these Conditions. CONTRASTS in addition guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data collected (names, addresses e-mail and passwords) at the time of registration to itsservices. Only the addresses of the User shaving subscribed to “offers partners” (by notching the box “I agree to receive the offers of partners of CONTRASTS) will be able to see their address yielded to thirds. In order to respect the private life of the Users of the Site, CONTRASTS engage so that the collection and the treatment of the personal information carried out on the Site, are in conformity with the law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, known as Data-processing Law “and Freedoms”, modified. For this reason, thecollection and the treatment of the personalinformation of the Users of the Site were theobject of one declaration with the CNIL byCONTRASTS under number 1659798. In accordance with article 34 of Data-processingLaw the “and Freedoms”, CONTRASTS ensure to the User a right of opposition, access, of correction and suppression on personal data relating to it. The User can require that be rectified, supplemented, clarified, put up to date or deleted information relating to it which would be inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguities, expired or whosecollection or use, communication orconservation are prohibited. The User has thepossibility of exerting this right by contactingCONTRASTS directly by sending e-mail at the address following: CONTRASTS will not reveal with thirds the personal data communicated by the User, with the means in particular of the e-mail. They will be used to only answer the User expectations. CONTRASTS can guarantee neither theconfidentiality nor the obliteration of thepersonal data posted voluntarily by the User inhis private messages. CONTRASTS could notbe held responsible for the “spam” undergoneby the Users who would have decided spontaneously to voluntarily and publish their address e-mail online. In accordance with the provisions of the law in Confidence in the digital economy of June 21st, 2004, the data likely to allow the user ID (and in particular IP addresses) having contributed to the creationof contents on the Sites held and preserved by CONTRASTS.
  2. Links

towards other sites the links implemented in the direction of other sites could not engage the responsibility for CONTRASTS, which does not exert anycontrol on the contents of these sites.Consequently, CONTRASTS cannot supportany responsibility as for the contents,advertisements, products, services or anyother tool available on or starting from these external sites or sources that it neither checked neither approved, nor to be held for person in charge of all consecutive damage or in relation to the use of these links. The Customer is invited to refer to the policies of data protection personal data of each one of these sites.

  1. Liability

for the contentsCONTRASTS and/or its tests provide all thecontents (such as in particular images, sounds, videos, photographs, logos, brands, elementsgraphic, tools, software, documents and allother data) without warranty of any kind. Theuse of this site is done with the risks anddangers of the User. CONTRASTS put all works about it to offer to the Users of the toolsavailable and/or reliable information and/orcontents. However, CONTRASTS and/or itspartners could not guarantee to the Usersexactitude, the completeness and/or the newsof information and/or contents provided as well as the availability of these elements and tools. Consequently, the responsibility forCONTRASTS and/or its partners could not be committed because of use of providedinformation and/or contents and/or the toolsplaced at the disposal on the Site

  1. Cookies. –

We endeavor to improve the use of the Site CONTRASTS. For this reason, CONTRASTS use “cookies what is called”, as also many ofother sites do it. The automatic identification ofthe Users giving access directly the news groups without having to seize again thelogin and the password with each connectionrequires the installation of a cookie (a cookie isa storage block which does not make it possible to identify it but which is used to record relative information with the navigation of this one on the site). In general, this cookie contains, an identification number or a code which makes it possible the Site to recognize the User when it turns over on the Site. The cookies are not personal and only make it possible to know the number of clicks of eachUser. The external cookies related to the advertisements make it possible to condition the publicity campaigns to avoid theirexcessive repetition on the Site. The use of the Site is, of course, possible without cookies. Nevertheless, the use of the cookies returns the use of the more convivial Site. In most case, your web browser accepts the cookiesautomatically. You have the possibility of changing the parameters of your web browser in order to prohibit the cookies or to authorize them only with your agreement. You can, of course, constantly remove the cookies of your hard drive. For more information on thecookies like on the various regulationsdescribed above, CONTRASTS recommendsto visit the Site of the CNIL:

7.Evaluation of the services of travel

  1. When CONTRASTS gives to the Users of the Website the possibility of evaluating the services (in particular services of travel) or of publishing other texts, the following conditions apply: The User commits himself not publishing any text of which contents: – are untrue by intention or negligence, – are abusive, threatening, of coercion, defamatory,shocking, pornographic and/or defend violence- are racist, anticonstitutional and/or are theobject of incentive to hatred and/or are of punishable/illegal nature, – violent one the laws in force, in particular the rights of protection of the thirds for example of the authors, the characteristics, the patents,the rights relating to protection of the brands or the rights close to the copyright, of the rights of the human person or the property rights whose communication is prohibited to the User -contain comparable hyperlinks or indications/references or are likely to deteriorate the functions of the external operating systems of the data. The User engages: – to indicate in the most precise way the services of travel, in particular in the case of hotel chains to precisely name the region or the denomination of the hotel. – to give a avis/à to insert a photograph only whenthe User himself used the service, in particular while spending its vacancies in the hotel concerned. – not to give an opinion nor to insert a photograph when the User is anemployee, the owner or the manager of thehotel which is the object of the evaluation or isin a comparable way dependent with this hotel, for example a family member of the 3 above mentioned groups. The same applies to the collaborators of the tour operators and the members of their family. – not to give an opinion or to insert a photograph when the User is remunerated for this service by theemployees, the owners or the managers of theservice being the object of the evaluation orthe staff of the tour operators. – not to give false subjective opinions and/or and/or false claims relating to the services of travel, thepeople concerned with these services, thepossibilities of leisures and the otherdata/events, likely to exert an influence on the decision of other holiday makers. – to give mainly opinions as well positive as negative in the exercise of freedom of opinion in the objective to give other people eager to leave on holiday the possibility of getting a more relevant/more objective/more detailed image of a service of travel and reality. The sameapplies to the download of the photographs ofhotel/the photographs of vacancies. – not to make a publicity camouflaged and/or obviousfor goods, performances of service and/or companies. – to write in good faith comments and evaluations. – not to nominate persons by their name. – not to collect, use or publish so many the personal data other Users, so much their information, whatever the method.
  2. In the event of violation of these conditions by a User or in the event of existence of a suspicionbased on a possible failure relative to theseconditions, CONTRASTS is in right, in particular without indications of the reasons, to supplement, modify or remove the contentswithout opinion addressed to the User.
  3. By publishing contents (for example opinions on the hotels, of the recommendations of travel, the photographs of vacancies, the videos of travel), the User guarantees that it is titular of all the rights, in particular of the copyrights onthese contents. He transmits to CONTRASTSon a purely free and irrevocable basis a right of pleasure unlimited in the duration and space as well as a right of use of the contents in all the forms and all the media (in particular in thesectors of the press, the Internet, television,the mobile platforms of telecommunication).The right of pleasure comprises in particular the reproduction right, the right of diffusion and the right of transmission as well as their production right public, the right to makepublic the access to the contents in question,the right of emission and the reproduction right realizing of the visual aids or sound as well as the right to publish the contents on variousportals of the CONTRASTS group. The Usergives in particular his consent on thetransmission of these rights of pleasure byCONTRASTS to the thirds. The idea of originof the use of the opinions on the hotels, of therecommendations of travel, the photographs ofvacancies, the videos of travel is maintained.
  4. If the User would not be itself the holder ofthe rights of contents deposited by itself, itguarantees that it is titular of all thetransmissions of right, licenses, authorizations, agreements and other elements similar. If the User would violate one or more warranties, itexempts CONTRASTS of all the responsibilitytowards thirds and it completely releases itfrom any action for damages.
  5. CONTRASTS is moreover in right to resort to the publicity orother measurements of promotion in thecontext of the contents made available to thepublic. The User agrees to it expressly.
  6. The User gives his consent so that its photographsand/or its texts can be moved in other topics in order to improve their presentation and that thephotographs can be compressed. Moreover, he grants so that its other contents can bepublished or removed or translated in otherlanguages by CONTRASTS to a certain extent and under the respect of the moral right of the author.


  1. Intellectual property

CONTRASTS is titular of all the intellectual property laws (such as in particular copyrights, rights close, trademark laws, right of the producers of databases) relating so much to the structure than on all the contents (such as in particularimages, sounds, videos, photographs, logos, brands, elements graphic, tools, software, documents and all other data) of the Site. Any reproduction, representation, publication, transmission, use or modification, integral or partial of the site and/or one or its contents, made without the written authorization of CONTRASTS are illicit. These illicit acts engage the responsibility for their author and are likely to involve legal proceedings in its opposition and in particular for counterfeit. The brands and logotypes CONTRASTS and the brands of its partners being reproduced on the site are registered trademarks. Any reproduction total or partial of these brandsand/or these logos, without the written authorization of CONTRASTS is prohibited. Any reproduction not – authorized these brands, logos and characteristics constitutes a counterfeit liable to penal sanctions. The contravener exposes himself to civil and penal sanctions and in particular to the sorrows envisaged with the articles L. 335.2 and L.343.1 of the Code of the intellectual property In the same way, CONTRASTS is producer of the databases of the site. Consequently, any extraction and/or re-use of the databases within the meaning of the articles L 342-1 and L 342-2 of the code of the intellectual property are prohibited. The User admits having taken knowledge of the features of the equipment to use to profit from theservices of the Site. All information, the contents, the files, software and hard ware offered by CONTRASTS is protected by theFrench and international laws concerning the intellectual property and the copyright. The User declares being titular of all the contact transmitted on the Site. The User cannot use nor to transmit data and information whichinfringes the rights of other people, exceptafter having obtained their explicit assent. TheUser is responsible for the unit for thecontents, data, documents or information ofany nature suggested, exploited and/or implemented on the Site. The User guarantees that the information transferred within the framework as of updates does not carry not reached to the rights of the thirds. The User guarantees more over CONTRASTS against any recourse in claim and claim of any nature, and in particular demands for damages, that athird could form with the title of the fraudulent use of any personal personal data. The User assumes thus all the consequences, in particular financial, resulting from the fraudulent use of the data of any nature thattransferred on the Site and will compensate in particular CONTRASTS for all judgments andpossible expenses of defense resulting fromsuch claims in justice formed by thirds.


CONTRASTS is responsible for therecording and the processing data. CONTRASTS is also service provider. The legal information of our Site will bring further information to you on this subject as well as the contact to which you can join the department in charge of the conformity of the treatment of your personal data to theapplicable European regulation. If you havequestions, suggestions or comments, do not hesitate to contact our delegate with the personal data at the address Our rules and processes as regards data protection require sometimes modifications. You can inform on these modifications nearour qualified department at the address above.

  1. Various provisions
  2. Cancellation of the services We reserve the right to constantly cancel your account in the event of violation of the Charter of Use, and/or the general terms ofsale or the non-observance of the one of theobligations of the User. All the personal data relating to it would be in this case un obtrusive. Without that not constituting an obligation, CONTRASTS books the possibility of proceeding to unilateral way, specific way, check operations or request of a third, intended to check the respect by the User ofthe whole of the terms of this Charter as well as contractual documents supplementing itand/or modifying it. These checks will be able, if necessary, to cause suspensions of the account of the User on the assumption in particular that CONTRASTS would request ofthe User the supply of relative information tothe noted failures. These checks will be able, if necessary, to also get the right to CONTRASTS to proceed to the cancellation of this contract in the event of fault of the User.The User can also completely remove hisclients’ account and his contents, unless thereremains still an order in the course oftreatment. After the total execution of the lastorder, the User will be able to carry out freelythe suppression of his data. If the User notesabuses or violations, or for very felt sorry for relating to the service, it will be able to contact the customer service by e-mail or written at the address following Contrasts 1 rue de la Buffa 06000 NICE (prohibition of access known asvirtual).
  3. The nullity or the inopposability ofany of the provisions of present is withoutinfluence on the other provisions of present. The nullity of whole or part of the provisions of this contract of broking does not affect the validity of the contract signed between the service provider and the User. The nullity of whole or part of the contract concluded between the User and the service provider iswithout influence on the validity of this contractof broking. We recommend to you to download the present conditions of use under the following hyperlink and to record them in apermanent way: Download (pdf)
  4. Applicable duty and court of jurisdiction

the contents of the Site are worked out and governed in agreement with the French laws. It is thus as well rules of substance as rules of form and its contents will be appreciated by the onlyqualified French jurisdiction. The rulesconcerning conflicts of laws are excluded withthe profit from application supplements andwithout reserve of the French law. © & CONTRASTES – 2013


Legal information

the site is the property of CONTRASTES, limited liability company to thecapital for 8200 €, registered with theCompany and trade register, under the number SIRET 00024 432,397,792, whose head office is located at Nice. The director of thepublication of the Site is Olivier De Nicola, ofthe company Contrasts. The containedinformation in the Site are provided for the onlygeneral information of the visitors, they could not replace or replace advices or professional consultations. In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 and with the directive of October 24th, 1995 the visitor has a right of access, of correction, modificationand suppression of his personal data. If you wish to make rectify or remove certain data, send to us an e-mail at the address following: It can also write to Contrasts, 1 rue de la Buffa, 06,000 Nice. The company CONTRASTES is opened to the public of the Monday to Friday of 09:00 to 12:30, and14:00 hours to 18:30. For any question aboutthe follow-up of your reservation, with thefollowing number: .63. Copyrights photographs Credit photo CONTRASTES © the photographs are protected and prohibited use starting from our site. Video credit CONTRASTES © the videos are protected and prohibited use starting from our site. Copyrights contained All property rights of the contents of the website booked. All reproduction and any use of the site other than the individual and private consultation are prohibited except authorization.
